Institute for Education and the Arts

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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

ASCD Action Alert

The Institute is forwarding this information from ASCD:

House Poised to Cut Support for Education

Members of the House of Representatives clearly do not believe what's good for education is good enough for them. Although they successfully defended their annual cost-of-living pay increase last week, they still stand poised to consider a spending bill that would cut education funding.

Since 1989, both Senators and Representatives have been guaranteed an annual adjustment unless other legislation is passed to stop it. This year, opposing legislation was defeated in the House and Representatives will more than likely receive a pay increase for the sixth year in a row.

Meanwhile, the full House of Representatives is set to consider the Labor-HHS-Education spending bill in the coming weeks. This bill will cut overall education funding and level-fund important programs like Title I, unless we convince Congress to do otherwise. The funding cut is less than one percent; but like Congress' cost of living, the cost of education is rising. With increasing student enrollment and inflation, the bottom line of this funding bill is that our schools will struggle to do more with less.

Unlike some organizations, ASCD recognizes that money is not the silver bullet solution for education. But we are called to action because we know that these cuts are coming at a time when our students deserve more. The federal government is a powerful partner in improving teaching and learning through effective policies that translate from the Capitol to the classroom. We welcome the opportunity to work together and achieve these mutual goals.

We have posted a to make it easy for you to write your Representative. If you would like more information about the proposed funding levels, please see our .

Please write or call your Representative today to remind Congress the importance of investing in education. Visit for more information.

School's Out for Summer

Across the country, many schools have wrapped up their final days and turned students loose for the summer. What does that mean for student learning? This week, the ASCD blog wants to know what summer means to your students. How do you promote student success during the summer break?

Visit the ASCD Blog to speak up and see what others are saying.

Advocate of the Week: Utah ASCD

Utah ASCD is chugging along the path to influence and advocacy success. Earlier this month, Utah Governor Jim Huntsman and his deputy of education visited with Utah ASCD President Jeff Stephens and several others in his district. Following that meeting, ongoing contact between Utah ASCD and Education Deputy Christine Kearl led not only to Deputy Kearl accepting an invitation to the fall UASCD Conference, but also Governor Huntsman agreeing to welcome the group at the opening of the conference. Most recently, UASCD has agreed to cosponsor the Governor's education summit later this year. UASCD's star is rising fast! Your work is to be commended.

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