Institute for Education and the Arts

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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Report: Seven Strategies for Success in School-Business Partnerships

A new report from the Denver-based Daniels Fund offers concise, practical advice about creating successful and lasting SCHOOL-BUSINESS PARTNERSHIPS.

According to the Daniels Fund website,

The sense of urgency to turn around low-performing schools and ensure all students achieve at high levels has never been greater. The federal law, No Child Left Behind, requires all students to be proficient in reading and math by 2014.

Increasingly, businesses and other partners are stepping up to help. Some have “adopted” an entire school or classroom, providing generous financial support and human resources on an ongoing basis. Others have donated school supplies or completed one-time community service projects at the school. What is significant about the contributions of these businesses is their emphasis on helping students learn. The stakes are high. These students are their future work force.

A partnership between a school and a business can prove beneficial to both partners if the right components are in place.

The Daniels Fund has researched why some school partnerships are more effective than others.

This report highlights seven strategies for successful partnerships based on the findings. Researchers reviewed more than 40 Web sites; interviewed nearly 40
educators, business leaders and partnership experts; and conducted focus groups of principals, business representatives and district stakeholders in Denver, Colorado, where the Daniels Fund is headquartered. School-Business Partnerships: What Works? offers educators, business leaders and administrators practical advice about creating successful and lasting school-business partnerships to improve schools and increase student achievement.

To view the seven strategies, visit the website for the Daniels Fund.

This posting was originally emailed to the Institute for Education and the Arts' listserv. To subscribe to the listserv, please click here.


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