Institute for Education and the Arts

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Saturday, September 16, 2006

Librarians at the Gates (The Nation)

The Institute for Education and the Arts is posting an article from The Nation regarding librarians’ roles in protecting free speech.

Librarians at the Gates
The Nation, online edition, 8/22/06

"Courage, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. And in an era of increasing controls on the gathering and dissemination of information, many Americans are unaware of the courageous stands librarians take every day.

"The day-to-day challenges librarians face are inherent in the job description: defending access to controversial or banned books, staving off budget cuts, and creating and expanding programs to draw more citizens into one of the few remaining genuinely public commons in American life. While the ethic of secrecy often prevails in the gathering and dissemination of corporate and governmental information, the work of a librarian is imbued with just the opposite. Be it in the capacity of archivist, reference librarian or information technology professional, a common thread is the profession's dogged commitment to safeguarding books, research and information to make knowledge more widespread, not less."

Read the entire article here.


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