Institute for Education and the Arts

Archives postings and announcements from the Institute for Education and the Arts, an organization that supports arts integration in the academic curriculum, based in Washington, DC. These postings are also sent to our listserv members; to subscribe, please send an email to ieanewsletter [at] gmail [dot] com. For more information about the Institute's works, visit our website at

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Listserv not currently available in digest/weekly format -- try our blog

Recently, a listserv subscriber inquired about the possibility of a weekly version of the listserv. The Institute staff is exploring possibilities to make the listserv available in a digest format or weekly newsletter. Unfortunately, these options are not available at this time.

In the meantime, you can get the same listserv content in blog format here at This allows you to browse the listserv content at your convenience. You can post comments or send colleagues an email link to a blog posting.

If you use Bloglines or another RSS feeder to organize your blog reading, you can get alerts about the IEA listserv postings to the blog. You can learn more about those options in this previous blog posting.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or ideas on how to improve the listserv.


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